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Hybrid war on the air 5 years

Hybrid war on the air 5 years
Hybrid war on the air 5 years
Victor Ledenev, writer, EW1A

Half a billion people on Earth have it. I'm a radio amateur. It's been about half a century. A considerable period, during which he became a more tolerant and calm person even in force majeure situations.

And one more. Radio amateurs are the embodiment of real, not declarative Soviet internationalism. People of all countries, all races, all faiths communicate with each other, regardless of the political situation or political system. They can talk to an engineer from Australia, a royal special from the Middle East or American senators. There are no ranks, positions, titles, nothing that divides people in life. Therefore, financial and, especially, political problems have always remained outside the line of communication, outside of discussion in the radio amateur broadcast. And this is not only due to the conditions of the international statute of amateur radio, but also normal human communication between different people, which unites in life only one thing — amateur radio.

I must say that radio amateurs were the most polite people in the world. The words "thank you," "please," "be kind" are always in the vocabulary of a normal lover. And then there's 73. In the amateur radio code, these figures signify a deep respect and best wishes. These words still remain the main thing for radio amateurs all over the world. To be more precise, the vast majority. In addition to some Ukrainian and Russian radio amateurs.

It is no secret that recent events in Ukraine have divided societies in the post-Soviet republics quite visibly and rigidly. And this schism unexpectedly for all "inhabitants of the ether" happened here. The frequency on the 40-meter range of 7.050 MHz has become a parable in the last six months. Here converge every day, round the clock the most zealous adherents of both sides — Russia and Ukraine. The Russians, of course, predominate. It is difficult to explain what is going on here to a person who has never listened to an amateur ether. Let me just say — bedlam compared to this ugliness just kindergarten. No one listens to anyone, all radio stations work only on transmission, more powerful stations overlap weak, someone just puts a hindrance, someone turns on the music and everyone speaks, say, say … And over all this reigns a great and mighty Russian mate, replacing the participants with all other arguments and arguments. I confess that although I grew up in the edge and in conditions where the mat sometimes replaced the most ordinary concepts, but I have never heard such a mat in my life. About the saddest thing about this — these people call and consider themselves radio amateurs!

I tried to write down a few minutes of this "conversation." Here's what it looks like. I draw this to those who have never listened to amateur radio frequencies.

"Shut up, Bandera!"

"Sh. is there any vodka in your fridge, except for vodka?"

— I am Russia, …… I love!

"I've found a patriot, too. . . .

— Fools, banderas, …..we will not give our Putin to anyone! He has an 80 percent rating…

"After vodka, you'll love whoever you want…

" You have only drunks in Russia!

— It's you in Ukraine alone drugs!

"You're a moron!

— Don't disgrace the Ukrainian language, you're a moron!

"And you,… What are you going for?

— Why do you argue with these ….. dills?

— Poroshenko should be put to the wall…

"Yeah! It's not enough for you, …., Belarus and Kazakhstan, so they got to Ukraine…

— Today I saw how the column of tanks to Ukraine passed…

— Go you,…., …., …., dill …. We'll be here soon!

This is a small example of "communication" on the air, which has never been. It turns out that the impossible can become commonplace.

Recently, there has been a new tool to prove your rightness. In the air begin to sound fragments of television and radio broadcasts, broadcasting reports from the Internet, the benefit of modern technology allows. If the mate is only flowers that speak only about low culture and lack of self-respect in people, then such broadcasts violate the basics of amateur radio, the code of which clearly states that in amateur broadcast can not broadcast any commercial and state programs. That's what it's amateur. And this is true, for which then there is a huge network of TV stations and programs. After all, they are engaged in the same polemics and propaganda of different points of view, but with a much larger scope.

In short, as in computers, the amateur ether penetrated a dangerous virus, which must be combated. To the credit of Belarusian radio amateurs, they, basically, stay away from the general bacchanalia of rudeness and rudeness on the air, sometimes even suppress the attempts of Russian stations to draw them into the controversy, he has witnessed it more than once. It is sad and painful to watch such degradation of the amateur ether. But every time, each of us, going on the air, represents not only himself, but the whole country, which in the world is judged not only by politicians, but also by radio amateurs.


Victor Ledenev, writer, EW1A, specifically for rurik.us

Hybrid war on the air 5 years

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Рюрик Станіслав - патріот України, радіоаматор і блогер який займається боротьбою з агресією і пропагандою нацистської Росії в радіо ефірі.