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Nazi Moscow does not like the truth about itself.

Nazi Moscow does not like the truth about itself.

The Nazi Kremlin is doing a propage in the radio. In our queries and complaints, Putin's Nazis answer that they do not hear or see.

Nazi Moscow does not like the truth about itself.

But when Ukraine makes a branch…. You know, the Nazi moscal doesn't hear or see, they cut these frequencies at SDR.

Nazi Moscow does not like the truth about itself.

That's all you need to know about Nazi Moscow.

Stas Rurik

Nazi Moscow does not like the truth about itself.

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Рюрик Станіслав - патріот України, радіоаматор і блогер який займається боротьбою з агресією і пропагандою нацистської Росії в радіо ефірі.