Non-Recovery Plan

In the government plan, Russia does not have any new serious anti-crisis measur
esOn June 1, the government introduced into the "presidential administration" (apparently, the government itself does not have a communication) "A nationwide plan of action to ensure the restoration of employment and income of the population, economic growth
and long-term structural changes in the econo
my." Nationwide"? Like, does it concern everyone? Something on the
plan is unnoticed." Recovery"? But its parameters do not imply achieving the economic indicators of the
pre-viral period." Income recovery"? There are no targets on this subjec
t." Long-term changes"? Oh yes. It will be. The role of oil production in the country has been drastically reduced. However, not by their own free will, but tokmo by the will of the "sent me" Saudi Arabia … sorry, OPEC's agreements. And as the agreement stops, "long-term changes" will come back. And endless talk about the outstripping growth of investments — where and what the official sets, not the market.
The market is dead rather than alive. This will continue to be the case. The curse of the State Plan in the heads and the curse of theft in practice — all the funds throw in construction an
d state companies. And whether then Rotenberg, receiving regular contracts for construction without competition; Sechin for the next benefits, Miller and other friends and comrades of the president?Eu
rope here discusses the introduction of a basic unconditional income for all citizens of the European Union, because it is the final demand that will pull the economy.
And our government — almost exclusively counts on investments, the next ways to bury money to allow to cash in on this close oligarchs … Another 139 billion rubles. on a plane that no one needs (Dry Spuperjet100). And other projects that are just as important and certainly necessary for someone.
It's all a fashionable mantra about rebuilding employment… It's like an end in itself, no matter what these busy people will produce. And it seems that it does not matter what kind of people will receive a salary… A
nd the apotheosis. The plan is supposed to pull in 10 trillion rubles. "that exceeds fiscal stimulus in most developing and many developed countries."
But in the countries in question, it is additional funds sent to people and to the economy. And we do not plan to make changes to the budget and "print" the national welfare fund. No new money or pre-spending.
Numerous redistributions of money on budget items, calculated future revenues, loans, which then the business will have to return, and quite a bit of "living money" that passed from the budget last year or were earned by it in the first quarter (until oil prices fell). We moved the money from one pocket to another — that's executed the "national plan" .
.. There is no new serious anti-crisis measure. The president has a monopoly on them. And the government is just its accounting, which does not invent and does not offer any ideas.
But skill
fully inflates the cheeks as much as 10 trillion rubles.
The mishustin government is in all its glory.