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I appeal to the people of Russia, the voice of free people!

I appeal to the people of Russia, the voice of free people!

Обращаюсь к людям РФ, голос свободных людей!

In Ukraine, we have radio stations with industrial equipment. We have a large audience of listeners for the post of the Soviet space in the Short Wave Range.

We are tired of the old stinky Putin who in return shout about some Mokshan point with their can-to-be can signals for 3 balls! Complete degradation of old scoops.

We are ready to scroll through your record to the whole of Russia and Europe. If you have something to say to the people of Russia we are ready to do it. You need to record your speech and send us through the form below. We’re going to broadcast it on the radio. Be sure to specify how old you are and where you live.

If you wish to change the tone of your voice, we will not persecute you for your thought and position.

I appeal to the people of Russia, the voice of free people!

Rurik Stanislav

  I appeal to the people of Russia, the voice of free people!your appeal for the radio

Обращаюсь к людям РФ, голос свободных людей!


If you have a pre-offer or comment, I’d be happy to read your reviews.

If you have something to say to people on the means of radio in the Shortwave Range, you have such a chance. Send your tape to us!

Thank you all for your cooperation. Each attack will be punished as soon as the power is changed to Moscow!

I appeal to the people of Russia, the voice of free people!

Об авторе


Рюрик Станіслав - патріот України, радіоаматор і блогер який займається боротьбою з агресією і пропагандою нацистської Росії в радіо ефірі.