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Hello, radio amateurs

is a fight against nazi propaganda

What happens on the Radio Amateur’s bands

For six years, Russian propaganda in Russian has been propagated against the United States, Europe and Ukraine… 

The purpose of this propaganda is to unleash a third world war. In this propaganda, the Kremlin uses all the testaments of Joseph Goebbels. The nations and peoples of Europe and America are humiliated, the choice of the Ukrainian nation about joining the European Union is offended.

Attention Europeans!

During six years Russia makes propaganda on Radio Amateur’s bands against the West and Ukraine. The most hot frequencies 7.050 kilohertz during the day time and 3.731 kilohertz at night.
They do that practically 24 hours a day, saying very bad, rude words, playing music and jamming other operators from the former Soviet Union who make radio contacts with the rest of the World.
The call signs of the most aggressive Ham Radio operators from Russia are:
RK3OC — Radio Kilowatt Three Oscar Center, RL3AL — Radio Lima Three Alpha Lima,
RX6CP — Radio X-ray Six Charley Papa, R7KD — Radio Seven Kilowatt Delta,
EW2MM — Echo Whisky Number Two Mexico Mexico, RA1TD — Radio Alpha One Tango Delta,
RK6AR — Radio Kilowatt Six Alpha Radio. RN3REK — Radio Nancy Three Radio Echo Kilowatt


Blog radio ua

We, volunteers of Ukraine, are doing what we can to protect the radio from Russian propaganda. But where are the rest of the country, the people?

IARU idle

Why doesn’t IARU deprive Russia of the right to compete in the radio sport for its violations on the radio?


Radio sport is destroyed

Who wants to engage in radio after hearing on the radio, mate, insults, humiliation and incitement to war.

Stop russia propaganda

While the Ukrainian people are dying in the war in Ukraine, the Nazi propaganda of the Kremlin is on the air. Do you Europeans want to repeat Gliwice again on August 31, 1939?

You think business is more important

Having a business relationship with Nazi Moscow and complete inaction, you again bring the world to a global war.

We will not surrender Ukraine

You must understand this. Muscovy slaves we will not live. We’d rather die for our Ukraine!

Anti-propaganda radio site

protection stations

russian nazi propagandists

days of propaganda

The numbers and data that you see are real. Europeans and Americans, you will play again with a new Hitler name Putin.

Propaganda from the Russian Federation

Propaganda from the Russian Federation is growing every month. The radio broadcasts twisted recordings of Nazi propaganda shows of federal channels of Russian television.

Lying and twisting the facts

Uses a complete lie and a curvature of the facts of today and world history. It is said that the Russians have won all of them and they are the highest nation on the planet earth.

But there must be an end.

I appeal to all Americans and Europeans. Our Ukrainian people made their choice in the direction of Europe and Freedom. On the example of radio broadcast, international bodies have been inactive for five years. We ask everyone who can influence what is happening on the radio to shut up this Russian Nazi propaganda from the Kremlin. 
We have four stations that resist this ogressii on the radio. We spend our money although we live many times worse than you and we have a hybrid war with Russia in Ukraine. Where are you people? Where are you radio lovers? You do not understand what is happening? No help, no assistance … You did it in 1939 with Poland …

Radio Аnnouncement


Radio amateurs of the world help and help the Ukrainian nation, people, state in the struggle for freedom and independence!

If you have any suggestions, additions or questions — I am waiting for your letters.

My station is in the mountains of the Carpathians. I make maximum efforts in the fight against propaganda on Radio Ether.

Stas @ Rurik dot US

I have my own Blog site for fighting Moscow propaganda and creating a base for all Nazi propagandists of Russia

Stas @ Rurik dot US

I was able to bring down the intensity and frequency of the Nazi propagandists of the Kremlin on the radio. But this is not the end. Every time, my family and I are threatened with physical violence.

Stas @ Rurik dot US

Contact with me

I will be glad to communicate

I will be glad to answer. If there is information for me I will always be happy!

