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russia Mokshi Nazis in the service of the Third Reich and the SS

russia Mokshi Nazis in the service of the Third Reich and the SS
(Русские) Мокши нацисты на службе Третьего Рейха и СС

In modern Russia, at every opportunity from TV screens: in news, historical programs or some shows, they like to reproach neighbors in the fact that during the Second World War, on their territory were formed parts of the SS, police units or organizations supporting anti-Bolshevik, anti-Soviet sentiments.

First of all, it goes to Lithuanians, Latvians, Estonians, with their SS divisions, formed one, respectively, in each of these countries — Lithuania, Estonia, Latvia. As well as especially mentioned in these programs or transfers, the division of the SS «Galicina» formed in Ukraine. At the same time, cynically hushing up their own parts of the SS formed of Russians. If the current fighters against the «Banders» and «forest brothers» were to be will, they would no doubt try to erase from their own history and Vlasovs ROA.

To finally appear in all its glory, the only and unique fighters for the salvation of the world at the time of the Second World War.Ho
wever, history does not tolerate subjunctive inclination. And the truth, no matter how bitter and unpleasant it may be, and no matter how much I want to hide it, the current generation of Russians, it is impossible to avoid, smear or embellish.

And, in addition, the already infamous ROA — the Russian Liberation Army, under the leadership of former Soviet General Vlasov A.A., who made, among other things, a significant contribution to the victory of Soviet troops near Moscow in 1941. and commanded before his capture to the Germans 2nd Strike Army, there are also other little-known divisions and parts of the SS, formed of the Russians. Little-known primarily for the Russian wrestlers with collaborators. Yes yes.

Unlike Latvians or Estonians with Ukrainians, who gathered from force on one division, Russian sS units were not even several.

Here they are:

  • Volunteer Regiment of the SS «Varyag.»
  • 1st Russian National Brigade of the SS «Druzhina.»
  • 15th Cossack Cavalry Corps ss.
  • 29th Grenadier Division of the SS «RONA» (1st Russian).
  • 30th Grenadier Division of the SS (2nd Russian).
  • 36th Grenadier Division of the SS Dirlewanger.


  • 15th Cossack Russian Corps of Troops SS FA-SS- 3rd Division,16 regiments.
  • SS FA-SS (SS- SS)
  • 29th Russian FAA-SS — 6 regiments.
  • The 30th Russian FAA-SS, 1st formation 1944, — 5 regiments.


  • The 1st Russian National Brigade of the SS «Druzhina» — 3 regiments, 12 battalions.
  • The 1st Guards Brigade of the RHO «Sonderkommando z113» SD — 1st Battalion, 2 companies.
  • The SS Brigade of the Anti-Bolshevik Combat Center (CGB) is a 3rd battalion.
  • The reconnaissance and sabotage unit of the Main Team «Russia — Center» of the RSHA-SS «Tseppelin» umbrella headquarters is a 4th special forces unit.

As we can see, there are Russian divisions of the SS and regiments and corps and brigades, and even reconnaissance and sabotage units. So why do modern Russian «heroodotes» when they stigmatize Estonians, Latvians or Ukrainians in disgrace on May 9, and do not remember the Russian
parts of the SS? Such an example does not fit with the image of the Russian soldier-liberator (as if in the Red Army served only only russians and there were no Ukrainians, no Belarusians, nor Georgians, nor Armenians, nor the same Latvians or Estonians
), the only one who did not taint himself with the connection with German fascism. whether they fought at all or were just on paper, but the fact remains that the Russian divisions of the SS were and they fought on the side of the Third Reich.But, apart from the actual Russian units of the
SS, with weapons in hand, fighting on hitler’s side, in the service of the Wehrmacht were other military units and units consisting of the Russians. About which according to the already established «good» tradition, new Russian historians and patriots «forget» to tell. And meanwhile, as they say, there is something to see. For example:


  • Armed Forces of the Congress of the Liberation of the Peoples of Russia (CONR) (1 army, 4 corps, 8 divisions, 8 brigades).
  • Russian Liberation Army of the Congress of the Liberation of the Peoples of Russia (3 divisions, 2 brigades).


  • Russian Liberation Army of the Wehrmacht — 12 guard corps, 13 divisions, 30 brigades.
  • Russian Liberation People’s Army — 5 regiments, 18 battalions.
  • Russian National People’s Army — 3 regiments, 12 battalions.
  • Russian National Army — 2 regiments, 12 battalions.


  • CONR Air Force (CONR Aviation Corps) — 87 aircraft, 1aviagroup,1 regiment.


  • The 582nd Protective Corps of the Wehrmacht is 11 battalions.
  • The 583rd Guard Corps of the Wehrmacht is 10 battalions.
  • The 584th Protective Corps of the Wehrmacht is 6 battalions.
  • The 590th Guard Cossack Corps of the Wehrmacht is 1st Regiment, 4th Battalion.
  • The 580th Guard Cossack Corps of the Wehrmacht is 1regiment, 9 battalions.
  • The 532nd Protective Corps of the Wehrmacht is 13 battalions.
  • The 559th Protective Corps of the Wehrmacht is 7 battalions.


  • The Russian Legion of the Wehrmacht’s White Cross is the 4th Battalion.


  • General Smyslovsky’s «Special Division «Russia» is 1 regiment, 12 battalions.


  • General Ivanov’s Graukopf Brigade — «RNNA» — 1 regiment, 5 battalions.


  • The 442nd Special Purpose is the 2nd RoA Regiment.
  • The 136th Special Purpose is the 2nd RoA Regiment.
  • The 210th Special Purpose Stationary Infantry (Coastal Defense) is 1 regiment, 2 separate battalions of the ROA.


  • Russian guard corps of the Wehrmacht in Serbia — 1 brigade, 5 regiments.
  • The Russian «People’s Guard» of the General Commissioner’s Office «Moscow» (Tylov district of the army group «Center») — 13 battalions, 1 cavalry division.


  • 15th Special Operations Mining Corps of the 2nd Tank Army:
  • Russians — 1 guard corps, 5 regiments, Croatian — 2 divisions, 6 regiments.
  • 69th Special Operations Corps of the 2nd Tank Army: Russians — 1 division, 8 regiments, Croatian — 1 division, 3 regiments.

Thus, most of the foreign units and divisions of the SS were Russian, and actually in parts of the Wehrmacht, most of the collaborators were all the same Russians. But how many Russians, at least roughly, fought on the side of Hitler and the Third Reich? Is it possible, in principle, to calculate their total number at all? In principle, yes.

According to various calculations, different researchers, the total number of Russians fighting on the side of the Third Reich ranges from zero (the actual calculations of the current fiery Russian patriots, who manage to all Russian units and divisions of the SS to write in Ukrainians, Belarusians and Latvians with Georgians) and up to two million. But most likely, the truth, as always, is somewhere in between the two figures.

Moreover, the Germans themselves, as of 1943, the total number of Russians who fought on the side of the Third Reich determine 800,000. Attendees.

For example, Vlasov’s army itself was not very big. His two divisions, which were already formed, were no more than 40,000 fighters. Plus there was another ill-armed and not quite formed third division. That’s about 10-12 thousand more soldiers.

Vlasov was joined by the Cossack corps of General Helmut von Panivic, who became part of the ROA. These are 45,000 Cossacks who fought in Yugoslavia. He was a Russian corps formed of emigrants who fought in Serbia: about six thousand people. There are about 120,000 people in total. This is what was actually called THE ROA.

Thus, the ROA alone gave about 120,000. Russians who fought on Hitler’s side.

Adding to these 120,000, all the other well-known Russian sS divisions, security regiments and units, units and detachments, we will just reach the figure of 1 million Russians!!! soldiers on the side of the Third Reich. In general, if we take into account that the soldiers died in battles and in military units constantly sent replenishment, then to these 800,000. — a million, we can safely add another 200-300 Russians.

Very noteworthy about the actual number of Russians who fought on Hitler’s side, says the fact that when 1943, Hitler demanded to remove all Russians from the Eastern Front and transfer them to the Western, the generals grabbed their heads: it was impossible, because every fifth on the Eastern Front was then Russian.

So it turns out that those who today, so strenuously infused for cooperation with the fascist regime of their neighbors, himself was the most massive and faithful supporter of the Third Reich and Hitler during the Second World War. Perhaps this explains the incomprehensible craving in modern Russia for neo-Nazi symbolism and ideology.

So maybe it’s enough to blame others for the sin in the eye, when the eyes themselves stick out a log?

Although it is already out of the realm of even non-science fiction. Because then we will have to recognize the past as it really was, and it is not pleasant and not heroic and not as idealistic as it was drawn for more than 70 years. And as one Soviet comrade from the top said: «Who needs your truth if it interferes with life.»

This is the most likely to live and the current and subsequent generation of Russians, basing their knowledge of history primarily on myths, silence, and in some places and at all outright lies.

russia Mokshi Nazis in the service of the Third Reich and the SS

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Рюрик Станіслав - патріот України, радіоаматор і блогер який займається боротьбою з агресією і пропагандою нацистської Росії в радіо ефірі.