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"The U.S. repeats the experience of 50 years ago, and Trump pours oil on the flames of protests"

"The U.S. repeats the experience of 50 years ago, and Trump pours oil on the flames of protests"
"The U.S. repeats the experience of 50 years ago, and Trump pours oil on the flames of protests"

The death of African-American George Floyd, who is accused by police, has sparked multimillion-dollar protests in the US. If peaceful demonstrators oppose the harsh actions of the pol

ice system, then looters and robbers who take to the s

treets at night, cause fear

and create chaos. I mean the wave of mass bloody demonstrations against the Vietnam War that swept in the late 1960s in universities and on the streets of cities.

What we are seeing now must be seen both in this long historical context and in the light of the past few years, marked by a series of police killings of African-Americans. With depressing regularity and predictability, Americans are horrified by the smartphone footage of a black American who lives in the hands of a white police officer.The coronaviru

s pandemic has claimed the lives of more than 100,000 Americans, and quarantine has led to record-breaking post-Great Depression in the late 1920s.

Nearly 40 million Americans have applied for benefits. In addition, summer is a hot time. The combination of these factors has led to the fact that people who simply have nothing to lose have taken to the streets. These are people who have been locked up for the last two months, out of work and livelihoods, and in addition are members of minorities who are someti

mes "accidentally" and often kille

d with impunity by police officers. Moreover, it is not excluded that he would not mind that the protests are a little more tossed, to then appear as the savior of America. The president is guided by Nixon's 1968 strategy, when he won the election, thanks to the "law and order" meseja. He recently reposted this message word for word, in capital letters, on his Twitter account. And soon after, he added a menacingly a

mbiguous "When looting begins, the shooting begins." To do this, the police with jets of gas and batons cleared the crowd so that he could take a picture with the Bible in his hands

in the background of the church, although, I suspect, he had never read it in his life. And of course, by association, Joe Biden — his Democratic opponent in the november election (unless Trump repeals them in the event of a possi

ble second coronavirus wave). In the U.S. there is still a problem of "bl

ack"?- Racial confrontation in the U.S. has never gone anywhere, it is in a state of constant boiling. Explosions like what we see these days occur every decade, but local outbreaks occur regularly, and more recently almost every year.

It is difficult to predict how they will end this time. If they don't go into recession organically, Donald Trump might resort to using the military through the extremely rarely used Insurrection Act, i.e. The Rebels Act of 1807 — Prot

ests in the United States escalated amid the coronavirus epidemic. Now there are thousands of people on the streets, which can increase the statistics of morbidity hund

reds of times.- American newspapers are full of similar headlines, because if in such large cities as New York the number of infections has gone down, in many states, including those where there are riots, the peak of the pandemic has not yet been reached. Hundreds of thousands of people took to the streets, and, of course, it is logical to expect new epicenters of infections.- Ame

ricans have a lot of weapons on their hands. Is there a danger that the conflict could escalate into an armed confron

tation? — If 10-15 years ago predictions about the American civil war could be seen only in marginal far-left or right publications, or in the dark corners of the conspiratorial "darknet", now such scenarios are discussed by experts in the pages of The New York Times and The Washington Post.

Instead of water, Trump pours oil on the raging flames of protests. In one of his tweets in the early days of the protest, he hinted that "maybe it's time to hold a MAGA (Make America Great Again) demonstration in Washington in support of the slogan "Make America Great Again"? In this way, he a

lso follows the example of Nixon, who took in the Oval Office so-called solid masks — builders who threw beer cans and attacked protesters in New York students.A few weeks ago i

n one of the states, a group of guys decided to complain about the quarantine restrictions of "their freedom." The problem is that they were armed with assault rifles and came straight to

the governor's office.I, who has lived in the States for 23 years, would hate to speculate on the topic that a civil war co

uld break out in America, but it really is rubbish.In one of his last speeches before the death of a racist martin Luther King Jr. At the same time, he predicted that for now the revolt remains the only opportunity "unheard" to become "heard". So America will be doomed to go through these circles of hell over and over again.

"The U.S. repeats the experience of 50 years ago, and Trump pours oil on the flames of protests"

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