During six years Russia makes propaganda on Radio Amateur’s bands against the West and Ukraine.

Attention Europeans!
During six years Russia makes propaganda on Radio Amateur’s bands against the West and Ukraine. The most hot frequencies 7.050 — 7.055 kilohertz during the day time and 3.731 kilohertz at night.
They do that practically 24 hours a day, saying very bad, rude words, playing music and jamming other operators from the former Soviet Union who make radio contacts with the rest of the World.
The call signs of the most aggressive Ham Radio operators from Russia are:
RK3OC — Radio Kilowatt Three Oscar Center,
RL3AL — Radio Lima Three Alpha Lima,
RX6CP — Radio X-ray Six Charley Papa,
R7KD — Radio Seven Kilowatt Delta,
EW2MM — Echo Whisky Number Two Mexico Mexico,
RA1TD — Radio Alpha One Tango Delta,
RK6AR — Radio Kilowatt Six Alpha Radio.
RN3REK — Radio Nancy Three Radio Echo Kilowatt
The purpose of Russia to unleash the World War Three on the territory of Europe.
Please, you have to interfere with a situation, otherwise it will be late.
There are more than 400 propagandists on our list that are working against Western countries.
Rurik Stas