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Why are we even talking about this?

Why are we even talking about this?
Why are we even talking about this?

Why are we even talking about this? Give water to Crimea or not to give? Do Ukrainians want it, or don’t they wa

nt it? In my opinion, there is a difference – to collect the opinions of the people in a hoarding on social issues, or to make clear military decisions based on the need to protect Ukraine.

Let’s vote in the polls, whether we want to put a monument to Motorola in Kiev. Why is this question raised at all – not even by pro-Russian TV channels, by the way? Ther

e is a war – there must be a clear NO on the part of the state.

Who should care about the problems of the occupiers and Poklonskaya’s claims after thousan

ds of deaths? In the case of the war, the junta at the top is not enough not to smear the issues that only the military must solve.

Not giving water to Crimea is not a humanitarian issue.

This is a matter of defense of the state of Ukraine.

High-quality, complex and strategic.

And there’s no place for polls here.

Where are you, professionals in power?

Elena Kudrenko

Why are we even talking about this?

Об авторе


Рюрик Станіслав - патріот України, радіоаматор і блогер який займається боротьбою з агресією і пропагандою нацистської Росії в радіо ефірі.

1 Комментарий

  1. Рюрик

    The aggressor and occupier of the Russian Nazi Federation must solve the water problem in Crimea at its own expense! Or return the temporarily occupied territories to their rightful owner. To the state of Ukraine. And pay reparations to the Ukrainian people.