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Putin was spotted using a round-the-head double. Photos

Putin was spotted using a round-the-head double. Photos
Putin was spotted using a round-the-head double. Photos

Once again, Russian President Vladimir

Putin gave reason to suspect that he has twins. On his Facebook page, he posted two pictures for comparison.On one

taken on June 1 at 3:15 p.m. during the greeting of large families, the shape of Putin's head is oval. On the second, made on the same day at 6:30 p.m., it is more roun

ded." June 1 in the Kremlin bunker was a busy day — it was necessary, apparently, to release on watch as many as two Putin: during the day welcomed large parents egghead, and in the evening with their CEC spoke more round-headed and kryvsky, "- wrote Golobutsky.

Putin was spotted using a round-the-head double. Photos

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Рюрик Станіслав - патріот України, радіоаматор і блогер який займається боротьбою з агресією і пропагандою нацистської Росії в радіо ефірі.